Sunday, October 4, 2015

Aural Elements of "Is it Because I'm Black?"

In his song "Is it Because I'm Black?", singer Syl Johnson uses musical elements to enhance its meaning. First of all, Johnson uses a simple chord progression that switches between a flat and d flat minor. The use of minor chords is often used in Western music to produce a mournful melody, which emphasize the desperateness in Johnson's words. Furthermore, the simplified chord progression allows Johnson to move freely between musical phrases without precise rhythm. Johnson makes good use of this freedom of phrase to emphasize certain words and play around with the rhythm in repeated phrases. For example, the first time he sings "Is it Because I'm Black?" he adds equal weight to all words, but in the final time he sings it (at 6:30) he speaks this time the same line while adding emphasis to the word "black". Johnson does this to specify an emotional shift in the song. In the first section, he is sad about the depressing prejudices held against him because of the color of his skin. He describes how "The dark brown shades of my skin/ Only add color to my tears". His singing in this beginning section is also less improvisational and pays closer attention to precise rhythm. This is contrasted with the end section, in which Johnson's words are delivered in an emotional mix of speaking and loose singing. Johnson is now fed up with how hard he has had to work to get past racial prejudices and expresses that in his music with some phrases repeated with increasing intensity. All in all, Syl Johnson's words are very powerful, but they are made even more so when paired with his expertise in musical style. His talent for singing straight from the soul has made this song a lasting treasure of the 1960's Civil Rights Movement.

-Daniel Saliunas


  1. WOW! You must really know a lot about music because that was a very detailed and in depth explanation. You also did a really good job at linking out, I definitely used those to inform myself on the music vocabulary used in your post. If I had one suggestion, maybe you could have a video linked to where you gave us a specific time in the song so your reader can instantly understand what you are referring to. Other than that, I think this was really informative!

  2. I really enjoyed your post! You successfully explained the musical elements of the song and connected them to the overall message that Syl Johnson was trying to get to the audience. It was well written and very informative, especially when you defined some of the musical terms that you included. Good job!
    -Lea Marucci
